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CWoBs, or campers without bathrooms, are a thing.

We were talking with Gordan and Angela from Truck Camper Magazine, and somewhere in the conversation, they used the term CWoBs, C-W-O-B-S, or Campers Without Bathrooms. Besides being a funny acronym to say, it’s a larger discussion in the RVing community as markets are shifting and developing. We decided to kick around the notion of using CWoBs for our own personal rigs. Who makes up the market? Is it us?

Here are the initial questions we asked each other around the table.

  • Would you personally, given your current camping plans, destinations, activities, and companions, consider purchasing a camper that doesn’t have a bathroom?
  • Is a toilet enough?
  • We carry a very wide assortment of RVs, most of which have toilets and showers of some configuration… what do we hear from customers when we initially ask if they need a bathroom or not?
  • This seems like a very clear, line-in-the-sand, delineation in the RV market… those who will only consider RVs with bathrooms and those who can take it or leave it.
  • If you’re team RV Bathroom, what are your stereotype markers?
  • If you’re team C-WOB, what are your stereotype markers?
  • Is there some psychology at play as to why people seem to take sides over this issue in within the RV crowd?
    • Is this an extension of the “That’s not real camping, that’s RVing” argument?
    • Is this a little like middle-school and high-school cliques where you have the preppies, the jocks, the nerds, the stoners, the this-that, and the others? They’re all in the same school, the same community at large, but exist in very different worlds and mindsets.
  • C-WOBs aren’t necessarily a cheaper or budget-friendly option.
    • Many are built to be extremely capable off-road.
    • Truck campers are a classic example of a category that has lots of options for bathrooms or no bathrooms.
    • More traditional-styled teardrop trailers
  • Does it seem that manufacturers are testing the waters with designs that don’t have bathrooms?
  • If manufacturers are trying more C-WOB ideas, is the Overland community influencing the thinking at those factories?
  • Is a camper that doesn’t have bathroom equipment, but it does have a space designed for a port-a-potty, if you should choose to get and bring one, enough?
  • So, you’ve convinced yourself that you like the idea of some specific C-WOB:
    • What are you gaining with that choice?
    • What type of camping are you committing to?
  • In the end-it’s just preferences. Is there any angle that we can see that choosing one way or the other matters?
    • Environmental?
    • Financially wiser one way or the other?
    • Better in any way for the well-being of the overall RV community?
    • Anything?

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