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Camping Costs Less… on average.

Some of us have meticulous spreadsheets breaking down the expected costs of a vacation, and there are those who get a kick out of comparing the actual figures after the trip to the estimations we made before. Well, these rare numbers and stats-oriented beings don’t comprise the largest subset of the RVing population. So PJ, Lindsay, and Clint discuss some typical camping costs and even go so far as to compare typical RV outings to standard vacation options like hotels, plane travel, etc.

Lodging Prices:

The price difference here will depend on whether you own your camper or if you plan to rent. For this example, we have also included an average RV rental price. A campsite spot will typically cost you around $35-$50/night including amenities such as hiking trails, fishing areas, swimming pools, showers/bathrooms, and all the necessary hook-ups (water, cable, etc.). This daily fee might be even less when you look at signing up for a state park pass. The average cost of a hotel is $120-$150/night.

Total Lodging Price (3 nights):

  • Hotel Stay: $450
  • RV Campsite: $150
  • RV Rental: $225

Transportation Cost:

For a last-minute weekend trip, travelers will usually go up to 100 miles outside of their home. This means one expense you’ll need to plan for is the price of gas, plus miles per gallon you’ll lose after hooking up your trailer (average loss is 7-10 miles per gallon). Calculating a trip like this might cost you around $350 in gas depending on the type of unit you are hauling and the car you are in. The average domestic flight, on average, is around $400 round trip, for one person.

Total transportation Price (Family of 4 for 3 nights):

  • Flights: $1,600
  • Gas: $350

Meal Planning:

No need to worry about making dinner reservations or ordering takeout when camping, easily stay on budget by cooking at the campsite and packing your own snacks. This not only ensures you’re eating what you like, but also keeps you at the campsite enjoying nature. Even with the option of free breakfast at a hotel, you still are not covered for lunch and dinner – that can get expensive quickly!

Food Cost (Family of 4 for 3 nights):

  • Hotel Stay: $600 ($50/person/day)
  • RV Trip: $150 ($50/day)

Miscellaneous Expenses to Consider:

  • Every camper needs to have insurance, and this should be factored into your monthly expenses. This cost will depend on the type of unit you own.
  • On average, you will need 1-2 propane tanks to last you the weekend which will cost around $40-60.
  • To make packing easier, you can buy separate cookware to keep in the camper.
  • There are endless options when it comes to decorating and adding to your camper to make it really feel like home.

In the end, owning a camper allows you the freedom to travel without stepping outside of your budget or planning a grand trip that takes months or even years to save for. Camping is a great option to reset mentally and reconnect with your friends and family. If you can’t store your camper in sight, remember to keep pictures around your home and workplace of past adventures as a reminder to get out and unplug.

You say you cannot find time off in your busy schedule? You can easily rent out your RV on sites like or when yours is not in use to earn some extra cash.

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