From an Aliner, to a Casita, and now moving into an inTech Magnolia, Felicia and Tim were gracious enough to chat with us at Princess Craft RV about their RV journey over the years! Traveling with two big dogs, Felicia and Tim had great adventures in their Casita, including cross-country trips to their property in Idaho. When they knew it was time to make a change, inTech was already on their minds. But why inTech? They wanted something unique that also fit their lifestyle. Plus, the Magnolia offered them plenty of space, allowing them to work on the road with their two big dogs!

As life and seasons change, so do your needs – and that includes your camping setup! If you’re finding camping to be more of a hassle than an escape, it might be time to take a step back and look at your situation. This might include lack of space in your camper, instances where your RV no longer feels like you, or it could be that your camping style has changed entirely.

Three Signs It Might Be Time To Upgrade Your Camper

When your RV no longer feels like home

Whether you’re going on a weekend adventure or an extended trip away, your camper becomes your home. You want it to be as comfortable as possible, whether that be having plenty of storage, a comfy couch, a spacious bathroom, or anything in between. So, when you feel like your RV no longer resembles you, it’s time to consider a revamp. Maybe the design no longer reflects your taste, or perhaps the appliances and features are outdated. If stepping inside your camper feels more like a chore than a cozy escape, it’s a sign that it might be time to upgrade to a different layout that fits your current needs and style.

When Your RV No Longer Feels Like Home

There’s nothing worse than getting to your campsite, setting up, and realizing space is limited just when you’re ready to relax. As your family grows or your camping gear accumulates, that once spacious RV can start to feel cramped. Whether it’s not enough seating for everyone, the kitchen feels tight, or there’s simply not enough room to move around, these frustrations can dampen the experience. Upgrading to a larger camper can offer more square footage, additional sleeping arrangements, or better storage solutions, ensuring your space feels roomy and comfortable for everyone on board.

Your camping style has changed

There are so many types of camping out there, and your style will make a huge difference in the RV you shop for. Maybe you started out as a weekend warrior, taking your RV to well-maintained campgrounds with full hookups. But now you’re craving off-grid adventures, exploring rugged terrains where your current setup just can’t keep up. If your camping style has evolved—whether it’s boondocking in remote areas or upgrading to luxury resort-style camping—your camper needs to evolve with you.

Helpful Links For Episode 201 | It’s Okay to Change Your Camper!

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