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RV Buyers are Different in 2022 episode thumbnail

RV Buyers are Different this Year… but How and Why?

RV Buyers in 2022 have been influenced and changed by the times, it seems. shared statistics recently that show that expectations for travel and RV shopping experiences are different this go-around.

We all know the stories of RV sales going through the roof, and also those of manufacturers having trouble keeping up with demand. Parts shortages and distribution issues all factored in… it’s been a life-changing two years for anybody who’s been involved with RVs, in any respect.

So the Covid-era environment has prompted RV buyers to hope for different shopping and research experiences. Whether they be new buyers of a certain demographic (ahem… millennials), or seasoned, it doesn’t seem to matter much. The way we all shop for and receive goods is quite different. Now, RV buyers are different in what information they expect both online and in-person.

Add to the changed habits of RV buyers, manufacturers are expecting to build a lot… I mean A LOT of new RVs and campers in 2022. Much of that will be playing catch-up to fulfill orders from 2021, but this RV trend that started in 2020 is still quite a thing to behold. It’s not all fun-and-games, but there’s some good to be taken with the bad, and there’s some bad to be balanced with the good.

What does this all mean for dealerships? What does it mean for manufacturers? We don’t fully know, but we sure don’t have a problem talking and wondering about it together in the most recent episode of the RV Small Talk Podcast!