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Thumbnail for Episode 113 RV Mistakes We All Make with RV Small Talk Podcast

In This Episode, we explore those aversions to camping!

We’ve all made them. RV Mistakes are frustrating and sometimes scary, but if you get through them, they can be We’ve all made them. RV Mistakes are frustrating and sometimes scary, but if you get through them, they can be pretty funny and educational! So, take a listen as Lindsay and Clint discuss some of the more common RV mistakes people make, whether they be new or seasoned campers. Will you hear of an RV mistake you’re guilty of? You’re gonna have to listen!

RV Mistakes we discuss in this episode include:

The items below are from a list found at titled “RV Mistakes Beginners Make According to Seasoned Van Livers”

  • Not doing shake-down trips with new-to-you RVs, or even when starting a new camping season after winter.
  • Driving and traveling in an RV as if it’s anything like a “normal” vehicle
  • Neglecting maintenance… the way we do with our “normal” vehicles
  • Doing an off-grid campout without having practiced and learned your RV and its equipment
  • Over Packing
  • Underpacking ← so weird
  • Underestimating travel time… basing expectations on “normal vehicle” type travel
  • Over-planning the trip with activities
  • Using “normal” GPS for routing…
  • Relying too much on technology and not having old reliable things like maps at hand
  • Allowing the black tank to “dry up” by leaving the valve open.
  • Not staying on-top-of weather forecasts and forgetting to pay attention to windy-condition expectations

The items below are from a list found at titled “Top 10 Rookie RV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them”

  • Not planning your route
  • Forgetting to do a walk around before travel
  • Driving too quickly

The items below are from a list found at titled 

  • Not practicing to tow and back your trailer
  • Backing without a spotter when help is readily available and willing
  • Ignoring weight limits
  • Not knowing heights and clearances
  • Not checking tire pressure before every roll-out
  • Torque regularly
  • Leaving awnings out
  • Putting grease or meat down the drain, grey or black tank
  • Not developing basic plans/routines for situations like setup/tear-down/tank dumping/walk-arounds/hook-ups and disconnects

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