Ep. 43 | RV Home Delivery & What to Watch!

We’ve all seen the ads for purchasing a car or truck online and having it delivered to your house. More and more people are choosing the option to have a new RV purchase delivered to them, too. We’ll shed some light on the option and give some tips to have a good experience. Also, we’ve been watching some YouTube, engaging in some Social Media, and listening to some podcasts… here’s what we like!

Ep. 42 | Camping Under Quarantine? & Texas State Parks Blow Our Minds

What do we do with ourselves when all those camping and travel plans are put on hold for the greater good of humanity? Well… we still pursue the things that inspire us when it comes to camping! Let’s talk about all the things we can still do to get that sense of adventure and the health benefits that come from nature. Also, we talk to Erin Freiboth from the Texas Parks and Wildlife. She knows SO MUCH about the Texas State Parks, and we’re blown away.