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The RV World is Changing Drastically Lately…

This episode has PJ and Clint on the microphones, exploring what is happening in the RV world as of May 2024. It’s no surprise to anybody, whether in the industry or as a customer, that the RV boom of recent years has cooled drastically. RV dealers are reporting a change in buyer behavior. The demographics of RV shoppers have seemed to shift downward in age quickly. The RV manufacturers are struggling to get dealerships to purchase units for inventory, so there are products sitting at the factory lots and on dealership lots. This is a complete change in the RV world from what we knew just a short time ago.

So what are our hopes for the RV world?

So, what do PJ and Clint see as current trends in the areas of product categories, technologies, and the way the market is developing? Along with the perspectives discussed in the podcast, PJ and Clint look at what they hope will become standard in future products. Things like more models developed with cassette toilets, adequate solar and battery packages from the manufacturers, DC to DC chargers, asymmetric sway controllers, and more are discussed.

It may sound like just a wish list for the RV world, but PJ and Clint talk about their experiences with these RV appliances and what directions they think manufacturers should look at moving forward.

Is the overland market driving innovation?

The short answer is a resounding YES. The clearest category in the RV world where people are willing to spend money on new and developing technologies is the off-road, off-grid, and overlanding crowd. Other segments of the RV world don’t seem to understand overlanders, and they may not want to for whatever reason, but these overlanders have invested heavily in the technologies that we’re now talking about becoming more commonplace in the larger RV market.

The push to develop LiPo4 battery technologies, chargers, inverters, solar panels, 12-volt compressor refrigerators, locking latches, on-demand water heaters, and 12-volt air conditioners—not to mention cool 270 awnings and quite a few more items—was and continues to be spearheaded by overlander dollars.

We’ve heard owners and customers of traditional RVs in the industry wonder aloud about the perceived high costs of overland-capable products. Well, granted, not everybody is the target market for overland products, so there isn’t a great need for those who aren’t a part of the overland RV world to understand that segment. However, those over-built, tech-laden, heavier than they look, “where’s my comfy sofa and indoor dry-bath” rigs have been driving product development for years.

Watch the Episode Video!

So, take a listen to hear about our once-in-a-future RV world!

Hear the discussion as PJ and Clint wind there way through how the RV world got to where it is, and where they hope it will soon be!

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