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In this episode…

Used RVs can really be excellent purchases, but there’s a lot to look out for. We share some ideas on how to properly “kick the tires” before you hand over the cash. If you’ve been shopping for a trailer online, you’ve likely come across the mega-resource Paige Bouma, VP of Trader Interactive Brands, is a real RV camper, and she shares insights on how to find your next camper when shopping online. Once you arrive at an RV dealership, what do you want in your experience? We asked! Bugs all over! You’ve had them encrusting the leading surfaces of your rig anytime you’ve driven for a few miles. How do you get the buggars off and reduce the frustrations? 

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Used RV Shopping? Here’s how to check them out.

There are some really good finds out there in the used RV market. BUT, you’ll really need to know how to check a used option out for damage, wear-and-tear, and other issues. We discuss how we look one over.

Finally, an executive who actually camps! Paige Bouma of RV Trader shares and gives tips:

We’ve all wondered if and how many executives in the RV business actually get out there to camp? Well, we found Paige Bouma and we’re happy to report that she does indeed hit the road for family adventures in their camper. Yes! She also helps us to understand the RV Trader web experience a little better. Good Talk!

What do you want when you step into a dealership?

We get it. There can be some anxiety about arriving at a dealership. What’s the sales staff going to be like? Will I be badgered, cajoled… or worse, will I even matter? We talk about it, and we ask some shoppers!

Listener Question:

Tim asks: “What’s the best way to get rid of all dry crusty bug carcasses that accumulate on the front of your truck camper/RV after a long drive during the summer? Without damaging the finish and decals of course.”

Thanks Tim… Let’s discuss!

Episode Sponsor:

Lance Campers! Lance makes top-of-the-line lite-weight travel trailers and truck campers that are well-known for their fit, finish, and quality. The discerning engineer-type people that come through here looking for robust campers, whether they be truck campers or trailers, all make a bee-line for the Lance products. There’s a reason why. They’re that good. So, Welcome aboard, Lance Campers and thanks for sponsoring the RV Small Talk Podcast this week!