Ep. 106 | Camping with Special CirCAMPstances

Being full-time caregivers for their granddaughter Brielle hasn’t made the adventures of life any less accessible for Nikki and Chris. The three of them have just started a camping adventure together, and since they’re always learning new ways to enjoy life, they’ve started sharing their travels through their YouTube channel. So, join us for a conversation with the team from Special CirCAMPstances!

Ep. 103 | Rising RV Prices – New? Used? Buy? Sell?

If you’ve paid any attention to the numbers involved with buying an RV lately, new or used, you’ll see unprecedented prices… and the sellers are getting what they’re asking! Year-over-year price changes are normal, but we’ve never seen a situation like this before. What gives? Why is this happening? Who’s winning and who’s losing? 

Ep. 100 | When Camping Isn’t For Relaxing

Everybody knows you go camping or RVing to get away from it all. You go to relax and reset, etc, and yadda yadda. No… not always. Clint’s wife, Laura, jumps in to co-host this episode while PJ and Lindsay are out, and we talk about the joys and benefits of camping… the one’s that aren’t restful. Is it possible to return from camping completely exhausted and still say it’s worthwhile? Yes, it is! 

Resetting and refreshing while rv'ing

Ep. 97 | Resetting and Refreshing When RVing

iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, PodBean, iHeart Radio, Player FM In This Episode Okay, so you’ve finally managed to get away! How do you get the best reset and refresh now that you’re RVing? You’ve disconnected from constant digital input. You’ve turned off your devices. But, in your efforts to recalibrate, do you know what works for Read more…